Our patients choose A Plus Dental, PC as their Midwood NY dentist because our practice provides them with the most experienced, compassionate, and affordable dental care possible. By educating our patients regarding their treatment options and procedures, we equip them to make more informed choices regarding their oral health. We aim to not only fix any dental issues that arise with our patients, but also to provide them with the necessary measures to prevent further oral health issues. For many, this preventive approach in dental care begins with a routine teeth cleaning.
Your first visit to our office establishes a vital foundation for our relationship with you. During the first visit, we make sure to obtain important information like your dental and medical histories and give you time to get to know our Midwood NY dentist. Our dental hygiene program is designed to help prevent new cavities, preserve teeth that have been restored, and manage periodontal (gum) disease. At the initial visit with us, we will do much more than merely clean your teeth and gums. We will perform a complete oral examination which includes an oral cancer screening, a periodontal evaluation, and an analysis of your occlusion (bite). This ensures a thorough examination of your teeth, their supporting structures, and of the oral anatomy. Routine dental care and teeth cleanings s are an incredibly effective method in preventing future dental problems, such as gum disease. There are many different varieties of periodontal disease, and many ways in which these variations manifest themselves. Gingivitis is among the most common. However, all forms of gum disease require immediate treatment by their dentist to halt the progression and save the gum tissue and bone. Our patients are grateful for our dentists in aiding them in achieving the best tooth and gum health possible.
Natural teeth, teeth with restorations, and the gum tissue that surrounds these teeth survive best in an oral environment that is clean and where proper oral hygiene is maintained. Therefore, it is vital that you visit our Midwood NY dentist routinely for teeth cleanings. We recommend visiting A Plus Dental, PC every six months to maintain proper form, function, health, and beauty of your teeth, gums, and mouth. Call our office or consult our website for further information regarding teeth cleanings or any of our other many preventative, cosmetic, or restorative dentistry services.
By Zhukovsky Dental
March 22, 2016